Sunday, February 16 and Monday, February 17, 2025
From the desk of Pastor Ernie Green:
In only two and a half weeks, Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5. The Lenten season is a very busy time of the church year, with weekly Wednesday midweek services at 9:30 AM and at 7:00 PM. Dinners are also prepared and served on those same Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. Busy can be a good thing when faith, worship, and fellowship meet up. Please plan to join us for all. We’ll save you a seat.
Once upon a time, parents brought their children to worship and gave them cheerios (soft and quiet) to eat, and quiet activities to pursue. Things have changed over the years, and snacks and activities have changed as well. I’ve always said, I’m happy to have children in church, a church without children has no future. Having said that, I only ask that their snacks and activities are not infringing on others trying to have a meaningful worship experience. But please, continue to bring them to worship. A child can only learn how to behave in church by being in church, so let’s always be inviting to any and all families who arrive at our door. If things get loud, there are many empty pews in the front of the church.
This is another friendly reminder of electronic giving. This program makes life easier for everyone. Cindy and I started using it a few years ago and we would both highly recommend using it. It saves us from writing checks and from lining up cash for our offering. It was so easy, just sign-up and go. If this is something you’ve been thinking about, then now is as good a time as any to begin. Our St. Paul website has an easy link to follow.
Roswell Watch:
Still waiting on the results from the battery of tests they put me through over the past two weeks. Prayerfully the results are good. I’m still scheduled for my ninth immunotherapy on February 25. The end of these treatments is in sight. Thank you for your continuing prayers, they are greatly appreciated.
The joy and peace of Epiphany be with you throughout the year.
Pastor Ernie Green
All are welcome at St. Paul Lutheran – Please allow God’s love to work in and through you to brighten the lives of members and visitors alike.
+ PRAYER CONCERNS for our St. Paul Family +
HEALING: Bill Baessler, Paul Baessler, Lorraine Carroll, Karen Cowell, Zachary Dawson, Elijah Desouza, Joyce Dolpp, Neil Doucette, Dean Durow, Ryan Essenburg, Maureen Finch and her sister Colleen, Amy and David Fleischman, Charlie Grant, Pastor Green, Anne Gross, Margie Hadsell, Bonnie Haskell, Amanda Hughey, Loraine Jensen, Steve Keller, Pastor Dennis Krueger, MaryBeth Lee, Sue & Jeff Licht, Connie Maerten, Jackie Malinowski, Eunice & Jim Manth, Ric McClure, Jason McNair, Mel Miller, Mike Mueller, Kathy Nagel, McKenna O’Neil, Gloria & Bill Pittler, Doris Rae, Joy Rohring, Wayne Reichert, Jane Ruppert, Joe Sarzyniak, Leni Schofield, Randy Scott, Chris Thomas, Audrey Truax, Deb Tyler, Kathy Warriner, Frank Wendt, Mark Wurl, and Shirley Wurl.
AT HOME: Marlyn Gross under Hospice Care
HEALTHCARE FACILITIES: Mary Jo Bishop and Marilyn Rumbold.
MILITARY: Matthew Daugherty, Eric Davis, Aaron Fix, Zachary Kijowski, Joe Kloc, Joshua Lindsley, Christopher Manth, and Kyle Rae.
The Planet Green Recycle Fundraiser accepts ALL brands of ink cartridges. You can drop off ALL your empty cartridges in the labeled bin in the Gathering Place.
See the bulletin board in the Gathering Place for the most current Mite and Mission Grant Reports or go to the national web site and the district web site Your continued prayers and support is greatly appreciated.
- For questions on any Lutheran Women in Mission news, you may contact either Bea Hapeman (716 -327-2400) or Marge Stoelting (716-693-7555).
***Mite boxes, Eastern District Newsletter, The LINK etc. can all be found on The Information Center in The Gathering Place.
Confirmation Class Assignments – Thursday, February 20, 2025
First Year Class – Read “The Apostles’ Creed; The Third Article; The Holy Spirit” Questions 153 – 168, pages 147– 157 from Luther’s Small Catechism. Read Chapter 20 from “The Story,” “The Queen of Beauty and Courage.” Attend church and complete a Worship Report Form. Mentor question: What happens to a person who resists the Holy Spirit?
Second Year Class – Read “The Apostles’ Creed; The Third Article; The Holy Spirit” Questions 153 – 168, pages 147– 157 from Luther’s Small Catechism. Complete Lessons 22 & 23 “The Person of the Holy Spirit; The work of the Holy Spirit (I & II).” Attend church and complete a Worship Report Form. Mentor question: What happens to a person who resists the Holy Spirit?