St. Paul Lutheran Church & Pre-School

Campaign info

The Spirit of our Lord has stirred us to Move Forward in Faith!

Thank you all for your commitments to our

Moving Forward in Faith campaign!

Big news!

The loan is paid in full as of May 2024!!!

Work around church is completed! 

  1. The Brickwork around the building has been completed.
  2. The roof replacement has been completed. 
  3. Heating and Cooling work is completed.
  4. Front Church stairs:   The work is completed.
  5. The Parking Lot: The parking lot is completed.

We are still moving forward in faith, and God our Heavenly Father has continued to bless us richly. Please continue to honor your commitments to these projects, as they are very worthwhile, and will be a blessing to us and to future generations of believers.  God bless you all!

+Pastor Ernie Green+

Thank you for your continued support of ministry

here at St. Paul!



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