Sunday, December 15 and Monday, December 16, 2024
From the desk of Pastor Ernie Green:
Our Remaining “To-Do” List:
We have a tree in the Gathering Place that is covered with hats, mittens, and gloves. Please remove things from the tree and give them to someone who needs them. There is also a tree in church with Angels hanging on it. Place a gift card in the box and hang an Angel on the tree. The cards will be given out during the year to brothers and sisters with need. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day: Start planning now regarding which services you will be attending. We have four services on Christmas Eve: 2:00, 5:00, 7:30, and 10:00 PM. Our 2:00 service has a Children’s Message, our 5:00 service has more music, and we will celebrate Holy Communion during the 10:00 service. There is one service on Christmas Day at 10:00 AM with Holy Communion.
Parking Lot:
As we move closer to Christmas, our services get better attended. This means that more spots are used in our parking lot. Lately, I’ve noticed that many people are using multiple spaces because they are not parking between the lines. This isn’t helpful to anyone, so please be sure that you are parking between the lines and fix it if you aren’t.
A Need?
Do you, or does someone else you know have a need this Christmas season, or at any time? It might be financial, or spiritual, we may be able to help. You may just be in need of our prayers, so let us do that for you. Whatever the need is, let me know, talk to me at church, or call me at home, you are never a bother. We try to live our mission here of “God’s love shining through us, opening doors and changing lives.” All conversations are private and confidential, so talk to me.
Advent service and dinner:
On Wednesday, December 18th, we will meet for worship at 7:00 PM. This is our final Advent service of 2024, and we will be hosting our final Advent dinner at 5:30 PM.
Joy to the World, the Savior Reigns.
Pastor Ernie Green
All are welcome at St. Paul Lutheran – Please allow God’s love to work in and through you to brighten the lives of members and visitors alike.
+ PRAYER CONCERNS for our St. Paul Family +
HEALING: Bill Baessler, Paul Baessler, Carol & Richard Carney, Karen Cowell, Zachary Dawson, Elijah Desouza,
Joyce Dolpp, Neil Doucette, Dean Durow, Jim Francis, Maureen Finch and her sister Colleen, Amy and
David Fleischman, Charlie Grant, Pastor Green, Anne Gross, Margie Hadsell, Paul Harms, Bonnie Haskell, Barb Huber,
Amanda Hughey, Loraine Jensen, Steve Keller, Pastor Dennis Krueger, MaryBeth Lee, Sue & Jeff Licht, Connie Maerten,
Jackie Malinowski, Eunice & Jim Manth, Ric McClure, Jason McNair, Mel Miller, Mike Mueller, Kathy Nagel,
McKenna O’Neil, Gloria & Bill Pittler, Doris Rae, Joy Rohring, Wayne Reichert, Jane Ruppert, Joe Sarzyniak,
Leni Schofield, Randy Scott, Brenda Stutz, Chris Thomas, Audrey Truax, Deb Tyler, Kathy Warriner, Frank Wendt,
Mark Wurl, and Shirley Wurl.
AT HOME: Marlyn Gross under Hospice Care
HEALTHCARE FACILITIES: Mary Jo Bishop and Marilyn Rumbold.
MILITARY: Matthew Daugherty, Eric Davis, Aaron Fix, Zachary Kijowski, Joe Kloc, Joshua Lindsley,
Christopher Manth and Kyle Rae.
The Planet Green Recycle Fundraiser accepts ALL brands of ink cartridges. You can drop off ALL your empty cartridges in the labeled bin in the Gathering Place.
See the bulletin board in the Gathering Place for the most current Mite and Mission Grant Reports or go to the national web site and the district web site Your continued prayers and support is greatly appreciated.
- For questions on any Lutheran Women in Mission news, you may contact either Bea Hapeman (716 -327-2400) or Marge Stoelting (716-693-7555).
***Mite boxes, Eastern District Newsletter, The LINK etc. can all be found on The Information Center in The Gathering Place.
Confirmation Class Assignments – Thursday, December 19, 2024
First Year Class – Read “The Apostles’ Creed” Questions 86-95, pages 102– 108 from Luther’s Small Catechism. Read Chapter 13 from “The Story,” The King Who Had It All.” Attend church and complete a Worship Report Form.
Mentor question: What is the importance of Advent?
Second Year Class – Read “The Apostles’ Creed” Questions 86-95, pages 102– 108 from Luther’s Small Catechism. Complete Lesson 13 from “Exploring Luther’s Small Catechism: “I Believe.” Attend church and complete a Worship Report Form. Mentor question: What is the importance of Advent?