St. Paul Lutheran Church & Pre-School

Weekly Staff Bulletin Page: From the Desk of…


Sunday, July 14 & Monday, July 15, 2024

From the desk of Pastor Ernie Green:

Family Movie Night:  It’s not too late to sign up and attend our Family Movie Night on Friday, July 19 from 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM. We will begin with a pizza dinner. We are planning a duck craft activity, a Bible lesson that coincides with the movie, “Migration” and dessert after the movie. All in our air-conditioned Upper Fellowship Hall (gym).  Bring your family and friends, it’s all free. Please sign up to attend on the triangular kiosk in the Gathering Place.

St. Paul Family Picnic reminder: Don’t forget to add Sunday, August 11 to your calendar as we will be holding our 10:45 worship service at the West Canal Marina on Tonawanda Creek Road. The picnic will begin as soon as worship is over. Alps catering is supplying their great tasting picnic food again this year. We will also be celebrating the retirement of our Moving Forward in Faith Capital Appeal loan/mortgage. It’s a great day to celebrate God’s blessings to St. Paul.  More information will be coming in the next few weeks to bring everyone up to speed as to the final plans, but start planning now to join us on the 11th.  In the event of bad weather, everything will be moved to church. Please pray for favorable weather.

Roswell watch:  The CT scan that I underwent last Monday at Roswell was about as good as anything I could have prayed for. The tumor is now so small that it can’t be accurately measured. In fact, while looking at the actual scan, I couldn’t even see it, and I’ve been able to see it on every scan I’ve had during these past ten months. I was also told by Roswell Doctors that I should consider the little bit that remains as being dead.  That doesn’t mean that I’m finished with treatments, but it looks as though all the previous treatments were successful. I began my monthly Immunotherapy treatments on Wednesday, July 10th. This will continue for one year. The Immunotherapy is given in an IV over the course of one hour. The Immunotherapy doesn’t kill good and bad cells like chemotherapy does, but it helps the immune system to respond more strongly to cancer in the body. If cancerous cells were to have migrated out of my lung, the Immunotherapy would help me fight them without the need for chemo or radiation. Thank you again for all your prayers, they’ve obviously worked very well. I’m not finished with this race yet, but the remaining steps should be much easier.

The Great Physician has been doing good works.    
Pastor Ernie Green


All are welcome at St. Paul Lutheran – Please allow God’s love to work in and through you to brighten the lives of members and visitors alike.

           The Planet Green Recycle Fundraiser Program continues and again are accepting ALL brands of ink cartridges. You can drop off ALL your empty cartridges in the labeled bin in the Gathering Place.
          UPDATE:  Lutheran Women in Mission Summer Picnic: Pot Luck Lunch, July 20, 2024 from noon to 3pm at St. Matthew Lutheran Church.  For further information please see flier posted on the community bulletin board. All women of the church are invited.  See you there!

  • For further information on any of the above, you may contact either Bea Hapeman (716 -525-1046) or Marge Stoelting (716-693-7555). 

***Mite boxes, Eastern District Newsletter, The LINK etc. can all be found on The Information Center in The Gathering Place.


ST. PAUL CEMETERY NEW FAUCET: A BIG THANK YOU to John Urban for his help with the faucet at St. Paul Cemetery!
You may remember that St. Paul Cemetery a few years ago had a new faucet put in.  The new faucet does not require the water to be turned on and turned off for the off season, but it is consistently available year-round.
We just wanted to take a moment to review how the handle on the new faucet works.

-Remember to express water by pulling the handle all the way to the top.  It may take a moment or two for the water to come through the pump.
-When you turn the water off:

  • Bring the handle all the way down then
  • Bring the handle ¾ of the way up and the water should stop running!

Below is a picture of how the pump should be left:

Please note: If you are not comfortable with this process, you may want to bring a jug of water with you.     Thank you.


Confirmation Class AssignmentsGod bless our Confirmands!
Next year’s classes, we’ll see you in September! Continue to join us on Sunday and Monday. Nothing ended just because Confirmation classes are finished for the Summer.  Thank you for honoring your summer acolyte schedule.



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